Attention Difficulties

Do you or your child experience attention difficulties?

Could it be attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?

There are many factors that are associated with hyperactivity, impulsivity, attention deficits and inappropriate behaviours, without meeting the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD.

During different stages of development this might look like;

  • High levels of energy/tendency to run around as a preschooler,

  • Class participation difficulties due to structure that does not meet individual emotional or learning needs,

  • Disorganization or lack of following instructions in adolescent years, including behaviours that reject authority,

  • Mood disturbances that take cognitive capacity and attention away from focusing in the moment (e.g., anxiety).

Attention deficits can affect daily living tasks and cause problems at home, in educational settings, at work, when socially interacting, in relationships and in parenting.

What ADHD might look like;

? Forgetfulness,
? Poor attention,
? Impulsivity,
? Distractibility,
? Difficulty getting started on tasks,
? Saying things before thinking,
? Difficulty completing tasks,
? Frequently losing important items,
? Poor organisation skills,
? Procrastinating,
? Poor time management skills

The symptoms and degree of impairment can be different for every person. Early detection can have a highly beneficial impact on daily living and thankfully ADHD is one of the most treatable psychological concerns.

When parent and child both have ADHD; an informative article by Child Mind Institute.

If you are experiencing some or all of the symptoms described above and feel it has a significant affect on your ability to complete daily tasks, please contact us.

We would be happy to discuss how we can assess*, support and equip you with tools to better manage your day-to-day challenges and improve the quality of your life and functioning.

MDP Team

*Melbourne Developmental Psychology utilizes the Test of Variables of Attention (T.O.V.A) computerized assessment tool, normed for ages 4 to 80+, to aid assessments for attention difficulties. The T.O.V.A. provides healthcare professionals with objective measurements of attention, processing, distractibility and inhibitory control.

The T.O.V.A. aids in the assessment and evaluation of treatment for, attention deficits, including ADHD and can provide additional information for GPs and psychiatrists regarding treatment efficacy.

If you would like to know more, please contact us to discuss your options.


Learning difficulties


Getting ready for school